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 Airfoils database
 Ribbed Wing panels
 Foam Wing panels
 Foam Wing panels for CNC cutting
 Molds of Wing panels
 Wizard for printing and exporting Wing Panels
 Wizard for CNC cutting of Wing Panels
 Usb key
 View and Print DXF files
 View and Print Raster files
 Plans and Drawings
 On-line airfoils
 Drawing ribs
 Drawing templates
 Polars generation
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All rights reserved
P.IVA n.00860190255

Required PC configuration

Required PC configuration for installation:
  • Windows Vista/Windows7/Windows8/Windows10 (32 or 64 bit) are recommended. Profili and Profili Pro can run on Mac or Linux with Windows emulator, but no assistance is supplied
  • ODBC Driver for Access 2000. If Profili shows a message about a file ODBC32.DLL missing, download and run   MDAC.exe.
  • 50 MB free disk space
  • RAM according to standard operative system requesting


Write to info@profili2.com or to st.duranti@alice.it for more info.

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